Thursday, June 17, 2010

Freedom #8; side laced, not my style.

How I wanted to just put on my tennies and bend at the waist.... breathe.... and tie. Just tie my shoes. But no, that was too much of a struggle. A struggle between me and my body; between me and my breath. No thanks. Too much for me today. Even having to tie them by pulling my heavy leg up on top of the other, crossing it as much as possible, and getting the "side tie" was rough. That stomach is in the way, regardless of how you try and tie your shoes.

Look around next time you're out. Better yet, look down. Check the shoes. Check for the side ties. You'll understand. What do you see? Are they obese? Or are they getting older? It's going to be one or the other. BUT, I'm going to wager on this one. Mainly obese it's what you're going to notice. It's a fact. It's just an exhausting process. You get winded. You get sweaty. I'm not kidding. I got sweaty putting on my shoes! Oh my gosh. It pains me to think about it.

But you know what? No more. I bend at the waist and down I go. There's no thought about my stomach becoming the barrier between me and those damn laces, because...? There's no stomach getting in my way. That's right! It's a sweat free, painless process. Just me and my straight laced tennies.... Heading out the door.

Get this freedom, it's a good one. Sounds like a basic one? Ahhh, no. It's powerful. To not fight with your body? Big time joy.

My Blog Awards!

My Blog Awards!
