Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I most certainly did NOT take a nap on Saturday and again on Sunday.... just because.... and no, I did NOT enjoy EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of
TJ and I did NOT watch old black and white movies in bed on Saturday night with the dogs and the boys all snuggled up with us. Nope.
I did NOT spill the beans to Amiri that we are planning two trips; I did not ask him if he'd like to go to California with me on a little spring break, break.... and then go to the timeshare in Arizona in the summer. I did NOT watch him spaz out, knowing that now that he's been let in on the secret... he will have no concentration for the next month until the first trip (awful huh? we usually don't tell him about trips until like a week before because he gets so excited)
I did NOT have just the most relaxing, calm, lovely weekend with my family.... Not in the least.


Anonymous said...

Your weekends are always wonderful! Who are you kidding?

And yay to TWO vacations!!

Heatherlyn said...

I'm glad for your great weekend!

My husband is more likely to tell the kids before I do about something coming up. Kids do better with about 1 day notice. Really. But it is fun to share, isn't it?

Melissa said...

Sounds like my kind of weekend!!!

Have a rockin' Monday.

dmelen said...

ahhh to have a relaxing weekend. I am green.

Ashley @ {Let Go, Laughing} said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend!

I saw your hilarious comment over on "Live, Laugh, Pull your hair out" and had to check out your blog! I'll be sure to come back and visit!

Michelle said...

Movies in bed are my most favorite thing ever!

dmelen said...

I love the name of your blog!!

Diane said...

I am NOT glad you didn't have a great weekend! Wait. That's sort of a double negative. So that means I AM glad you had a nice weekend? Or I AM glad you didn't? Crap. I'm telling you, Mondays are hard enough without 'Not Me' stuff! ;)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Oh how I wish our weekends were relaxing........with two boys in hockey, I look forward to Mondays....

Deb said...

i am NOT sorry you DIDN'T have a relaxing, wonderful, rejuvenating weekend with the fam! i don't know if that made sense... i get confused with these not me mondays.

i hear you on letting the cat out of the bag. my oldest gets so excited about stuff like that, too, and becomes impossible to deal with.

Jen said...

Oh how lucky to have a nap. Yeah!!!

wendy said...

Glad you had such a great weekend! I'm with you on not telling the kids anything till it is actually happening!! LOL!

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